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Introducing this new websites for the benefit of those who cannot visit the Naadi Centers, but wish know more about the Naadi astrology.

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(From Jan 2016 on wards)
At a Glance - Shashikant Oak
(Matters Up to 31 Dec 2015)


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शुक्रवार, ९ जुलै, २०१०

The Hindu 'Nadi' astrology or palm leaf reading | Psychic Guild Blog

The Hindu 'Nadi' astrology or palm leaf reading | Psychic Guild Blog: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

1 टिप्पणी:

Ankita Malhotra म्हणाले...

Astrology is characterized as, "the divination of the alleged impacts of the stars and planets on human undertakings and earthly occasions by their positions and perspectives." There's a well-known axiom that things are "written in the stars," and for adherents of astrology,

Famous Astrologer in Mumbai