नाडीग्रंथ भविष्य काय प्रकार आहे?, ते खरेच असते का?, मला पहायला मिळेल का?, कुठे?, फी किती?, अंनिस सारख्या संस्था नावे ठेवतात त्याची सत्यता कायआहे?, मला माझे नाव ताडपट्टीत पाहता येईल का?, अशा अनेक विचारणांची सविस्तर माहिती आपल्याला मिळेल, नाडी ग्रंथ विषयावर कार्यशाळेत डॉ विजय भटकर आपला अनुभव सांगतात तो काय होता? सध्या ताडपत्रावरील मजकूर गोळाकरून डेटा बँकचे काम चालू आहे?, त्यात मला सहभागी होता येईल का? For more, please visit http://www.naadiguruonweb.org/
Welcome to New APPS and Websites
Introducing this new websites for the benefit of those who cannot visit the Naadi Centers, but wish know more about the Naadi astrology.
For more, please visit
For more, please visit
(From Jan 2016 on wards)
At a Glance - Shashikant Oak
(Matters Up to 31 Dec 2015)
बुधवार, ६ एप्रिल, २०१६
बुधवार, ३ फेब्रुवारी, २०१६
Android App for Navagraha Temples as suggested by Naadi Maharishis
What exactly do the Navagraha do? Why are they worshiped? Click here
In Indian philosophy, the theory of Rebirth and theory of Karma plays cardinal role. As explained elsewhere in the website, the person is responsible for his present plight due to the previous good or bad deeds. Through 13th Kandam (Chapter) of Naadi Predictions, the seeker is told to perform the services or Pujas /Archanas of the concerned Navagraha to overcome the bad or malefic effect thereof. Performance of Pujas and simultaneously providing food to the hungry and water to the thirsty, lighting of lamps are some of the means by which one gets rid of papas or bad deeds and boost the punyas or good and benevolent acts.
One of the main reasons why the Naadi Predictions are referred to is, to intuit the seeker to the performance of Shanti and Parihar rituals at the earliest and in the prescribed manner. One should visit as per the directions gained in the Naadi Palm leaf under the guidance of the Naadi readers. This app will give enough guidance for the needy.
In Indian philosophy, the theory of Rebirth and theory of Karma plays cardinal role. As explained elsewhere in the website, the person is responsible for his present plight due to the previous good or bad deeds. Through 13th Kandam (Chapter) of Naadi Predictions, the seeker is told to perform the services or Pujas /Archanas of the concerned Navagraha to overcome the bad or malefic effect thereof. Performance of Pujas and simultaneously providing food to the hungry and water to the thirsty, lighting of lamps are some of the means by which one gets rid of papas or bad deeds and boost the punyas or good and benevolent acts.
One of the main reasons why the Naadi Predictions are referred to is, to intuit the seeker to the performance of Shanti and Parihar rituals at the earliest and in the prescribed manner. One should visit as per the directions gained in the Naadi Palm leaf under the guidance of the Naadi readers. This app will give enough guidance for the needy.
Android App on comparison of Naadi Maharishi with Nostradamus! Decide Who is better?
Comparative study of Naadi Maharishis and Nostradamus ....You Decide who is better Click here
The caption of this article might shock many readers. For the reason that up till now every one presumed that Nostradamus was and is the number one astrologer, of the world! Now who is this new Naadi astrologer? Naturally, it must be someone boasting and trumpeting his tunes for nothing. Wing Commander Shashikant Oak has been drumming the Naadi Astrology Predictions for its exaggerated, bombastic and astonishing feats for last some years. But that does not permit Wing Commander Shashikant Oak to demean the towering personality of Nostradamus to lower esteem. Why should he indulge in this mud slinging acts?
Now, I leave to the readers of this article to judge for themselves, whether I am exaggerating the Naadi astrology or is it the reality by comparing both of them? While comparing them, I do not demean Nostradamus or other astrologers. Their method of predictions might be different.
The caption of this article might shock many readers. For the reason that up till now every one presumed that Nostradamus was and is the number one astrologer, of the world! Now who is this new Naadi astrologer? Naturally, it must be someone boasting and trumpeting his tunes for nothing. Wing Commander Shashikant Oak has been drumming the Naadi Astrology Predictions for its exaggerated, bombastic and astonishing feats for last some years. But that does not permit Wing Commander Shashikant Oak to demean the towering personality of Nostradamus to lower esteem. Why should he indulge in this mud slinging acts?
Now, I leave to the readers of this article to judge for themselves, whether I am exaggerating the Naadi astrology or is it the reality by comparing both of them? While comparing them, I do not demean Nostradamus or other astrologers. Their method of predictions might be different.
Android apps published Get Naadi center addresses of all over India
Please find the Details of the Android apps published by Naadi Lovers Group
Naadi Granth Predictions Click Here
This app is aimed to create awareness about Ancient Maharishi’s work on palm leaves in old Tamil language, called “Naadi Ole Palm Leaf Predictions “. This app provider views Naadi Maharishi’s work as service to humanity. It is no way connected with any of the Naadi centers providing the Naadi reading Facilities. Options provided for expressing Naadi Reading Experience / opinions in ‘Feedback’ section are expected to be as a matter of fact and devoid of exaggeration.The opinions expressed by the visitors not to be taken as criticism but as guidance for further improvement by the concerned persons/centers. This app neither challenges nor accepts any challenge from any rationalist organisations or Individuals. Fees collected from Addresses provided will be utilised for conducting Workshops, Conferences on Naadi Related Indological academic topics from time to time and to make App sustainable and long lasting.
This app is aimed to create awareness about Ancient Maharishi’s work on palm leaves in old Tamil language, called “Naadi Ole Palm Leaf Predictions “. This app provider views Naadi Maharishi’s work as service to humanity. It is no way connected with any of the Naadi centers providing the Naadi reading Facilities. Options provided for expressing Naadi Reading Experience / opinions in ‘Feedback’ section are expected to be as a matter of fact and devoid of exaggeration.The opinions expressed by the visitors not to be taken as criticism but as guidance for further improvement by the concerned persons/centers. This app neither challenges nor accepts any challenge from any rationalist organisations or Individuals. Fees collected from Addresses provided will be utilised for conducting Workshops, Conferences on Naadi Related Indological academic topics from time to time and to make App sustainable and long lasting.
- Frequently asked Questions About Naadi Granthas
- Some prominent personalities’ experiences and views on Naadi Granthas.
- Feed backs by Naadi Seekers –
- Paid part of App provides: Naadi center addresses which are grouped in three parts.
- 1.City or nearby cities wise 2. State Or Cluster of States wise. 3. Full India.
Ramani Guruji Part1 Pune 2016
Ramani Guruji Giving Naadi Reading at Pune on 1 Feb 2016
Pujya Ramani Guruji had come to Pune to take some rest from his busy schedule at Tambaram Ashram. He generally resides At Shri Jayaraman ji's residence. His Wife Vimala and her sister Sarala are Guruji's very old devotees from their childhood.
Here is the part pertaining to Shashikant Oak.pf the reading on 1st Feb 2016. Jayaramanji hinted to Oak that Guruji was particularly asking me to confirm has he called "Commandera" which he used to Call him since his acquaintance at Air Force station in Tambaram.
The significance of that was revealed when the reading on that evening went for 15 minutes only for Oak. It is rare in general happening.
Know more about here.
Here is the part pertaining to Shashikant Oak.pf the reading on 1st Feb 2016. Jayaramanji hinted to Oak that Guruji was particularly asking me to confirm has he called "Commandera" which he used to Call him since his acquaintance at Air Force station in Tambaram.
The significance of that was revealed when the reading on that evening went for 15 minutes only for Oak. It is rare in general happening.
Know more about here.
शुक्रवार, १५ जानेवारी, २०१६
अकोल्याचे ओम कालीचरण यांच्या नाडी ग्रंथभविष्यातील काही अनुभव सादर भाग 1
कार्यशाळा 2015 मधील ही मुलाखत शशिकांत ओक यांच्या निवासस्थानी दि 22 डिसेंबर 15 रोजी घेण्यात आली. ऍडव्होकेट गिरीश तिवारींनी याचे शूटींग केले . त्यांचे धन्यवाद...
या छोट्याछोट्या भागातून अकोल्याच्या ओम कालीचरण या व्यक्तिमत्वाचा परिचय व्हावा ही अपेक्षा.
आपल्या प्रतिसादांच्या प्रतीक्षेत
अकोल्याचे ओम कालीचरण यांच्या नाडी ग्रंथभविष्यातील काही अनुभव सादर भाग 2
कार्यशाळा 2015 ओम कालीचरण आपले नाडी ग्रंथांचे अनुभव मराठीतून सांगताना ...
कार्यशाळा 2015 ओम कालीचरण आपले नाडी ग्रंथांचे अनुभव मराठीतून सांगताना ...भाग 3
कार्यशाळा 2015 ओम कालीचरण आपले नाडी ग्रंथांचे अनुभव मराठीतून सांगताना ...
कार्यशाळा 2015 ओम कालीचरण आपले नाडी ग्रंथांचे अनुभव मराठीतून सांगताना ...भाग 4
कार्यशाळा 2015 ओम कालीचरण आपले नाडी ग्रंथांचे अनुभव मराठीतून सांगताना ...
ओम कालीचरणजी यांच्या नाडी ग्रंथांच्या अनुभवांवर आधारित मुलाखती भाग 5
ओम कालीचरणजी यांच्या नाडी ग्रंथांच्या अनुभवांवर आधारित मुलाखती
या छोट्याछोट्या भागातून अकोल्याच्या ओम कालीचरण या व्यक्तिमत्वाचा परिचय व्हावा ही अपेक्षा.
आपल्या प्रतिसादांच्या प्रतीक्षेत
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